Friday, 9 January 2009

Asante Sana, Squashed Banana


I'm here, safe and sound. Been in Babati for the past 3 days (about 4 hours from Kilimanjaro) sorting out the project site. All very exciting. We will be building one classroom with a teachers office attached. The foundations are laid and we have to build it! The school is on the foothills of a beautiful mountain and has a farm with scary goats and chickens. The kids are on holiday but will be back next week to watch us melt under the sun. Travelled by bus back to Kilimanjaro today to pick up the volunteers tmo morning then back to Babati on Sunday.

Very hot here so therefore I am already very pink! A constant application of factor 40 sun cream just isn't enough! But hopefully a mega-tan will appear by the end....

Went down to Lake Babati yday to arrange going there for a weekend off at some point and we saw a hippo! Just chilling drinking a cold beer and we spotted a large hippo swimming about 50m away! Pretty cool. There are worse ways to spend an afternoon!

I love Konyagi - Tanzanian gin type drink. So I'm all set really. Will only get internet at weekends, if that, so will be sporadic updating for a few weeks. Don't miss me too much!

Kate x x x

1 comment:

Abbie M said...

Sounds like you are in your heaven! Doubt I'll recognise you on your return because you'll be so tanned though...

How's the she-wee?

Abbie xxx